Webinar Series Continues
The PMEA Mentor Program is pleased to host a summer webinar series for new teachers and those searching for employment. As many recent graduates did not get the full student teaching experience, this series' mission is to link successful music education professionals (mentors) with individuals searching for expert guidance and to fill in some of the gaps of what might have been missed.
The webinar series will run through the month of June, every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 7. While this series is geared towards first through third year teachers, all PMEA members are welcome to join us!
This week's webinars:
- Tuesday, June 9: Elementary General Music: Cookbook for Planning & Resources
- Thursday, June 11: Concerts: The Journey from Before Concert Night & Beyond
Be sure to check out the PMEA Webinars page for complete information as well as recordings of previous webinars. Act 48 hours are available for these as well as previous webinars, provided the two required online surveys (found on the webinars page) are completed.