PMEA District 1 Honors Orchestra Auditions are on Monday, September 20. Auditions will be completed via Submittable. In order to prepare for the audition submission, please be aware of the following:
- Every student and director will need to create a Submittable account if he/she does not have one. Sign Up for Submittable Here
- The student's director MUST be a current PMEA member. Please be sure to check the status of your membership on the PMEA website
- There is a $5 fee per audition that will need to be paid online, through Submittable, at the time the audition is submitted.
- The audition excerpts will be released on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. The link to the D1 Honors Orchestra Submittable audition and a listing of the audition excerpts will be posted on the PMEA District 1 website. (As a reminder, the audition repertoire is currently posted on the website.) For your convenience, some general audition guidelines are listed below.
- Students must upload his/her audition, through his/her Submittable account, no later than 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 21, 2021. **Students need to consider the time that will be required to complete the online application and process/upload the audition video in order to ensure the timely submission.
- Directors will be notified of the auditions they need to evaluate by Thursday, September 23,2021. The judging of auditions must be completed by 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 27, 2021.
- The PMEA District 1 Honors Orchestra results will be posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2021.
General Audition Guidelines
1. Complete the application form. The Director must be a current PMEA member. *You will need to create a Submittable account, if you have not already done so. (Please note that email notifications are sent to the email address on the Submittable account under which the application is submitted.) 2. No identifying clothing may be worn (i.e. no school t-shirts, no name identification, no PMEA, NAfME All Eastern or National shirts). Additionally, please do not include any identifying information in the video file name or in the content of the recording (i.e. your name or school name). 3. The music excerpt requirement must be recorded from start to finish without cuts and/or splices. Students’ hands/body/face must be visible in the video. To obtain the best audio quality, a good microphone as well as high-end computers or digital recording devices for the recording equipment are suggested. ** There can be no use of any device that can be perceived to give aid to a student (i.e. no earphones,airpods, etc.)
Tips for recordings in Submittable:
- The maximum video size is 4GB – the larger the video, the longer it will take to load
- mp4 files appear to upload better than .mov files
- Small rooms with good acoustic qualities will create the best recording
- A good microphone and a good piece of recording equipment (high end computer or digital recording device) are the two things that can most improve a recording.
Eryn Carranza
PMEA District 1 - President
Band Director - South Fayette School District
3640 Old Oakdale Rd.
McDonald, PA 15057
[email protected]