In light of recent fiscal events, it has become clear that many school administrators are approaching these difficult financial times without a clear understanding of the extraordinary value that music education has for their schools and the students they serve. Therefore, the music faculty at Seton Hill University is committed to providing teachers, parents, and community members with the tools necessary to effectively make their voices heard. In the coming weeks, our music education faculty (Dr. Jessica Vaughan-Marra and Dr. Christopher Marra) will be offering free webinars catering to music education advocacy. These are intended to directly provide support for all teachers, parents, community members, and administrators interested in developing and refining advocacy messages to proactively support their local arts and music programs.
Complete our online form to register to be notified of the webinar. You will receive a link once you have registered.
music_ed_advocacy_webinar.pdf |
music_education_advocacy_statement_51021_jcvm.pdf |