Greetings from IUP! I hope this finds you well and in the midst of a great spring of music making!
I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about a brand new event that we will be hosting for middle school students and their directors in Fall of 2018. On Tuesday, October 30th, we will be hosting the first annual Middle School Band Summit @ IUP! This event will feature a one-day, sight-reading ensemble for the students resulting in an evening concert, clinics for the students and directors by IUP faculty (ACT 48 hours available), and performances by IUP faculty and student ensembles. Oh, and here’s the best part – there is no registration fee for this event! That’s right! You and your students can participate in this event with no out of pocket expenses except for their meals on campus and a modest ticket fee for the concert to cover administrative expenses. All students in grades 7 through 9 that apply for this ensemble with a recommendation from their home director will be able to participate! No audition is required!
Here is a brief overview of this event:
- Rehearsal from 9:00am – 4:30pm / Concert at 7:00pm – Dr. Jason Worzbyt, conductor
- No auditions – all repertoire for the concert will be distributed at the beginning of rehearsal
- Students will be responsible for all meals while they are on campus (dining hall tickets will be available for purchase if they so choose).
- Concert Dress: White Shirt / Black Pants or Skirt
- Clinics and performances for the directors and students by IUP music faculty
- ACT 48 Hours will be available
Please note that the due date for all registration forms is October 16th, 2018. This date is very important so that we can accommodate all students who are interested in participating in the ensemble. If students from a school district wish to attend this event without their band director present, we will need written confirmation that another band director will be responsible for these students. This can take the form of a letter or email sent to the director of this event, Dr. Worzbyt.
A complete schedule of the day’s events, registration forms for students and teachers, campus maps, parking information, and a list of restaurants in the Indiana area will be available on our website at the very end of August. Please visit and click on the “Middle School Band Summit @ IUP” link.
We hope that you and your students will consider joining us for a fun day of music making! Wishing you all the best for a successful end of the year, and a restful summer vacation!
Dr. Jason Worzbyt
Professor of Bassoon
Conductor, IUP Symphony Band
Band Content Area Chair – PMEA
[email protected]