Huntertones brings people together around the globe with fun, imaginative and fearless music. Their high energy, horn-driven sound features genre bending composition and unconventional covers. Every show is a social experience celebrating the joy of music.
PLEASE take a few moments to check them out on YouTube:
Your students would really enjoy this group. VERY accessible music performed by young talented musicians!
What: Huntertones Concert
When: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 7:30pm
Where: Seneca Valley Senior High Auditorium
Tickets: $12 adults - $8 students
Can be purchased at the door or pre-order online (this concert is anticipated to sell-out!) http://bit.ly/SV_huntertones
QR Code for ticket orders (You can use this link to download QR graphic)
Posters: (Please consider printing and posting in your music area at school)