- The Scholarship Committee has developed the following criteria for awarding three music scholarships to students in PMEA District 1. Each award will be $1,000.00. (approved August 2008)
- Three scholarships will be awarded each year; one in strings, one in wind/percussion and one in vocal music.
- The award will be based on music achievement and academic excellence.
- All applicants must have definite plans for a career in music education or music-related field.
- All applicants must currently be a senior in a District 1 High School
- All applicants must have participated in one of the District 1 Music Festivals during their senior year.
- Completed Application Form with appropriate signatures.
- Two Recommendation Letters must accompany each application. One recommendation must be written by the student’s home school Music Director. This director must be a current member of PMEA. The second recommendation must be written from any of the following: private music teacher, high school teacher in any discipline, guidance counselor, church music director, or high school principal.
- High School Transcript
- A Brief Essay (less than 500 words) on the following:
“Why is music education/music is important? Why do you want to pursue a career in music and what are your future ambitions and goals upon graduating from high school and college?”
Completed applications must be mailed to the Scholarship Committee Chair by MAY 1, 2020 to:
Eryn Carranza
Instrumental Music Teacher (Band)
PMEA District 1 Vice-President
South Fayette Township School District
[email protected]
Important Information:
1. The award recipients for the District 1 Scholarships will be announced at the recipients’ spring concert. A PMEA officer will present the award.
2. Applications will be available in the fall newsletter and at Honors and District 1 SHS Festivals.
3. The committee reserves the right to give no award in any area where applicants are not deemed qualified.