2016 TGW Registration is Here!
Application is online - finally!
Here's the skinny: this summer we'll be holding Teaching Guitar Workshops - in our opinion the most awesome PD experience for school music teachers - in a city near you! We've got the grad credits, we've got the clock hours, we've got books and guitar accessories free with the tuition and we've got clinicians who will knock your socks off. Now we need you!
There will be a workshop in Pittsburgh July 18-22 at North Hills Middle School in Ross Township. For more information, contact Heidi Kohne.
We'll be training school music teachers from Elementary, Middle School, High School - even University. While you're their you'll learn the skills and proven techniques to start or expand a classroom guitar program. No previous guitar experience necessary.
Register for TGW Early and Save $20!
Do your friends a favor and tell them to register as well.
5 Reasons for Guitar in Elementary School
A lot of Elementary school teachers ask me if they should teach classroom guitar. The answer I give them is a definitive, "Heck Yeah!". If you're one of those teachers who doubts whether guitar could be used effectively in your music classroom, consider this: 1. There's no better way to teach music fundamentals. Guitar has....Read more..»
Teaching Guitar - A Classroom Diary - Wk 2
This week's main goals are: * Teach 2 new chords * Have students be able to change chords in a song * Strum up and down * Compose using 3 main chords. "Guitar again?" The line leader grins as she comes through the door. All the kids seem excited to come in and have another....Read More..»
Teaching Guitar: A Classroom Diary - Wk 1
My name is Shelley Brobst and I teach guitar... to elementary students! Yes, I may seem a little crazy to try such a thing but, stick with me and you'll see that it's a lot easier than you think! I'm starting my guitar unit for the next 9 weeks and I'll be updating you on.....Read more.»
3 Ways to Create a Guitar Culture
There are few things that have as strong of an impact on culture than music. Many students use music as a symbol of their personality. Tapping into this social element has the potential to affect local school culture, too! Here are three ways you can create a guitar culture at your school. 1) Bring your.....Read More.»
21 Tips for Becoming a Better Guitar Player
Congratulations! You made it through to the end of the year. Your guitar class had tons of very interested kids, but it's not over! You've got a line of kids out the door who want to take guitar next year. Take the summer to get a little better at guitar. It will make a big.....Read More.»
TGW Scholars
Our own Scott Seifried, PhD has done a lot of research into the subject of classroom guitar. Check out, Why Guitar Kids Are Different: Attracting New Kids to School Instrumental Programs...Read More..>>
Teaching Guitar Workshops | 212-795-3630 | i[email protected] | www.guitaredunet.org
2016 TGW Registration is Here!
Application is online - finally!
Here's the skinny: this summer we'll be holding Teaching Guitar Workshops - in our opinion the most awesome PD experience for school music teachers - in a city near you! We've got the grad credits, we've got the clock hours, we've got books and guitar accessories free with the tuition and we've got clinicians who will knock your socks off. Now we need you!
There will be a workshop in Pittsburgh July 18-22 at North Hills Middle School in Ross Township. For more information, contact Heidi Kohne.
We'll be training school music teachers from Elementary, Middle School, High School - even University. While you're their you'll learn the skills and proven techniques to start or expand a classroom guitar program. No previous guitar experience necessary.
Register for TGW Early and Save $20!
Do your friends a favor and tell them to register as well.
5 Reasons for Guitar in Elementary School
A lot of Elementary school teachers ask me if they should teach classroom guitar. The answer I give them is a definitive, "Heck Yeah!". If you're one of those teachers who doubts whether guitar could be used effectively in your music classroom, consider this: 1. There's no better way to teach music fundamentals. Guitar has....Read more..»
Teaching Guitar - A Classroom Diary - Wk 2
This week's main goals are: * Teach 2 new chords * Have students be able to change chords in a song * Strum up and down * Compose using 3 main chords. "Guitar again?" The line leader grins as she comes through the door. All the kids seem excited to come in and have another....Read More..»
Teaching Guitar: A Classroom Diary - Wk 1
My name is Shelley Brobst and I teach guitar... to elementary students! Yes, I may seem a little crazy to try such a thing but, stick with me and you'll see that it's a lot easier than you think! I'm starting my guitar unit for the next 9 weeks and I'll be updating you on.....Read more.»
3 Ways to Create a Guitar Culture
There are few things that have as strong of an impact on culture than music. Many students use music as a symbol of their personality. Tapping into this social element has the potential to affect local school culture, too! Here are three ways you can create a guitar culture at your school. 1) Bring your.....Read More.»
21 Tips for Becoming a Better Guitar Player
Congratulations! You made it through to the end of the year. Your guitar class had tons of very interested kids, but it's not over! You've got a line of kids out the door who want to take guitar next year. Take the summer to get a little better at guitar. It will make a big.....Read More.»
TGW Scholars
Our own Scott Seifried, PhD has done a lot of research into the subject of classroom guitar. Check out, Why Guitar Kids Are Different: Attracting New Kids to School Instrumental Programs...Read More..>>
Teaching Guitar Workshops | 212-795-3630 | i[email protected] | www.guitaredunet.org